3KJ sail to Lundy!
Last week, we braved the rough seas and sailed over the Bristol Channel to Lundy Island, on the MS Oldenburg. As we arrived, we were...
3KJ sail to Lundy!
Year 5 Woolacombe Beach Trip
The Big Plastic Count 11th – 17th March
3EB's Trip to Stonehenge!
3KJ Autumn Treasure Hunt
News spreads fast!
Spot our leaflets!
Greenseas ceremony
Geography 3CO
Coastal Art
The World this Week...
What is an ocean?
News Report: Ilfracombe is special
The World This Week...
The World This Week...
The World This Week...
Contact Us:
Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463
email: admin@ilfracombe-jun.devon.sch.uk
Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel
SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner
Ilfracombe Junior School
Princess Avenue
Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW