The PTFA group are holding an Easter Egg Trail on Friday 8th April from 3.15pm until 4.15pm. Hunt the school for the missing letters and crack the Easter code to claim your free Easter Egg - entries cost 50p - collect your map from the bottom playground or hall (if wet) after school on the day. Ice lollies will also be on sale – 50p each.
Tea, coffee and cakes available for a small donation – parents can sit and relax whilst children take part in the hunt or join in! We would be very grateful for donations of cakes for the event - please bring any cake donations to the Learning Edge (by the gym) on Friday morning.
Throughout the summer term, ice lollies will be on sale from the Learning Lounge every Friday after school.
There will also be a sale of freshly laundered second-hand school jumpers - £3 each. All money raised by PTFA events helps fund our school trips.
