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Taiko Drumming for 3EC

Before half term, 3EC had the privilege of having their first Taiko drumming session with Ms Foster. The children listened brilliantly and worked so hard to follow all of the instructions which resulted in some great performances.

The Taiko principles are so important to our school as they are what we base all of our learning behaviour on. Through Taiko drumming, we learn to about technique- focusing on simple things done well, kata- our body language, attitude- always trying our best and finally ki- enjoyment. We loved it!

'Taiko drumming originated in Japan in the 1950s.' Ralph Hennessey-White

The Taiko principles are technique which means simple things done well, ki which means enjoyment, attitude which means always doing your best and kata which means body language.' Emelia Davis

'We learn that you always start with your right hand.' Ted Child

'It was hard to learn how to hold and lift the sticks but I kept trying.' Rupert Bradley

'We learnt about Kata which means body language. We learnt that you can show how focused you are through your body.' Ziggy Coslett

'I enjoyed watching the other group do their drumming and supporting them.' James Rogers

'I really liked doing all of the different beats and actions. It was really fun.' Demi-Leigh Seals



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