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Music is at the centre of what we believe and what we do!

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Music Progression

Our Guiding Principle

Our young musicians will be confidently performing, creatively composing, critically listening to, analysing and appreciating a wide range of music from different cultures, eras and genres

Learning through doing

  • In our school our music lessons focus on active participation, learning through doing, and through this we learn more about how we feel and our personal contribution to the overall ensemble.

  • We develop good communication skills, linked with challenging musical vocabulary, to describe the music we create and the music we listen to.

  • Music making helps our children to develop a positive self-esteem and everyone learns to value the personal contribution they make to our school life and wider community.

Progression in Music

•At our school our music is linked with our projects and studies in class

•We have a strong focus on performing and composing; Listening and Appraising

•There is clear progression built into our curriculum as we move through each year group in KS2

•Music vocabulary is key to this progression

•Beat; Rhythm; Ostinato; Tempo; Dynamics; Pitch; Structure; Texture & Timbre are the key elements woven in to our music learning from Years 3-6

Our pupils describe music as:









...and they believe that:

•Music makes us smile

•We work hard together

•We build our confidence

•We work creatively

•We persevere to make excellent progress

•We  show outstanding learning behaviours

•We love music and performance

You can view our detailed music curriculum below.

Taiko Drumming

We are very proud of our Taiko drums! Read more about how we use them to promote good discipline and learning behaviours here

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