School Development
Priorities 2020-2021
We are very ambitious for our school. We have an extremely talented teaching staff and the leadership team is working hard to support them to deliver a world class education. We are constantly evaluating our performance and responding to the needs of our pupils and the wider community. We have outlined the following priorities as key to our school's continued development:
Quality of Education
‘Catch-up’ action plans for classes and individuals.
Remote Education provision
Supporting low attaining pupils to work independently
Curriculum adaptations following the school closure
Behaviour & Attitudes
Effective behaviour plans for pupils with SEND
Ensuring good attendance
Personal Development
Implementing the new PSHE curriculum
Celebrating Diversity
Opportunities for pupils to engage in community activities
High quality speaking and listening opportunities
Leadership & Management
Embedding the Christian vision with the whole school community – ‘Life in all its fullness’
IT infrastructure investment
Each of these key areas has a detailed action plan and forms the focus of the monitoring and evaluation that the school leadership team undertakes.
We are very proud of our track record in identifying areas for development and swiftly responding to them with effective action. OFSTED recognised this in our most recent inspection (2-3rd April 2019) with our 'Good' grade for Leadership and Management. The following strengths were noted:
Since the previous inspection, leaders have taken swift and decisive action to bring about rapid improvement. Their actions have ensured that the quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good.
Governors are effective in their roles. They use their precise knowledge of the school to challenge and support leaders appropriately. This contributes to securing positive outcomes for pupils.
Middle leaders are highly effective in their roles. They are relentless in their pursuit of excellence in their areas of responsibility.
We are very excited by the challenges we have given ourselves and what it will mean for the pupils in our school.