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Welcome to the SEND area of our website.  Here you will find information about how we support pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  The following information will explain the process for supporting pupils with SEND.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions or comments.


Miss Claire Tanner (SENDCO)

01271 863463

Information for parents and carers

Autism and Us - Education and Families (


Autism course and workshops for families with a child that is diagnosed or on the ASD assessment pathway. Summer Timetable just released.

The Local Offer

The Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and their families, information about what help and support is available to them in their local area. The Local Offer brings together information about education, health and care services, voluntary agencies, leisure activities and support groups, all in one place. It also outlines the EHCP (Education Health Care Plan) process.


By clicking on this link, you will be able to see the Local Offer for Devon.


Devon's SEND Local Offer - help and support for children with SEND


On this website, you will also find information about SEND and 4 broad areas of need in more detail, as well as the graduated approach. The graduated approach describes the best practice method to supporting children with SEND where different provision is put in place and regularly reviewed to ensure it is appropriate and effective.

Our school SEN Information Report can be viewed below: 

Parental support is available from our Ambassador Volunteers.  For more information about the service click here  and find out about our Ambassador Volunteer here

Support for parents of children with an EHCP can be found here.


Visit the Devon Information Advice and Support page here:


Dear staff

We would just like to thank you all so much for all the hard work and effort that you have given our daughter this year. We are so excited that she has achieved so much in just 7 months at your school. You have exceeded all of our expectations - just the fact that she is now able to read and write, when she couldn't even comprehend these skills at the start of her year is amazing - Thank you - you have given us confidence that our daughter can and will prosper in mainstream education.

She is very happy at school for the first time in her life and is actually wanting to go to school (even in the holidays) which tells us how successful your teaching methods are. We are overjoyed at her achievements and extremely proud of her and we can’t thank you enough for this and the new found confidence you have given her. Also the continued support and meetings/updates and involvement as parents has been outstanding and you have helped in many ways.

We would recommend your school to other parents of children with special needs/autism as we have seen the progress and achievements / milestones you have crossed with her in such a short space of time and also the little extras that you do that make school life / lunch / playtime much easier for her to cope with. We are very lucky to have found you and are looking forward to next year and our daughters' future success in the classroom / school.

Many Thanks 

The SEND Process

The school is committed to early identification of special educational need and adopts a graduated response to meeting special educational needs in line with the Code of Practice 2014. We describe this as Assess, Plan, Do & Review.



Effective provision is always through “First Teach” and the responsibility of the class teacher.  Progress is evidenced through the usual assessment and monitoring arrangements: if this suggests that the learner is not making the expected progress, the class teacher will meet with the parents to discuss these additional needs. Where possible, the class teacher, with the guidance of their Year Head and any other relevant staff/professionals, will provide additional learning support for the child. This may be in class or through targeted 1:1 or small group intervention. Where the child’s needs are still not met, the class teacher will refer to the SEN team in order to decide whether additional and/or different provision is necessary


Plan & Do


Provision/action that is additional to or different from that available to all will be recorded in an individual action plan or passport. This will be written by the teacher or The Bridge Team but always in consultation with pupils, parents, carers. It may also involve consultation and advice from internal specialists e.g. dyslexia and speech and language, as well as advice from external agencies e.g. Educational Psychologist and Occupational Therapy.

The individual action plan or My PLAN will set targets for the pupil and will detail:


  • Identify areas of strength

  • Specific barriers to learning

  • The short-term targets for the child

  • The teaching strategies to be used

  • The provision to be put in place

  • When the plan is to be reviewed

  • Identified outcomes

  • For children with dyslexia the plan will set out provision which can be made from within the school’s resources and the strategies which class teachers can adopt to help the pupil access the curriculum

  • All teachers who teach the pupil will be made aware of his/her difficulties and will be made aware of the agreed plan and the agreed strategies to help give the pupil access to the printed aspects of the curriculum


SEND Provision is categorised into 3 levels - Universal Provision, Targeted Provision and Specialist Support.  The following diagram illustrates this:



The My Plan will be regularly monitored and reviewed termly and the outcomes will be recorded. Pupils will participate fully in the review process according to their age and abilities. Parents/carers will also be invited to participate in the target-setting and review process.

If the school has evidence that a pupil is making insufficient progress despite significant support and intervention, the SEND pathway will be followed supported by TAFs (team around the family meeting). Professionals will be invited to contribute to the monitoring and review of progress. Pupils and parents will be fully involved and kept informed about the involvement of external agencies and proposed interventions. Referrals will be made to Early Help where the school cannot meet the needs of more complex children.

Specialist Provision


For pupils who have EHCP (Educational Health Care Plans), as well as the review of their MY PLAN, their progress and the support outlined in their statement, will be reviewed annually and a report provided for the Local Educational Authority. When pupils are due to transfer to another phase planning for this will be started in the year prior to the year of transfer. Advanced planning for pupils in Year 5 will allow appropriate options to be considered. The SEND lead responsible for 1:1 provision will liaise with the SENCO of the secondary schools serving the area to ensure that effective arrangements are in place to support pupils at the time of transfer.


When pupils move to another school their records will be transferred to the next school within 15 days of the pupil ceasing to be registered, as required under the Education (Pupil Information) Regulations 2000. If a pupil makes sufficient progress a statement may be discontinued by the Education Authority.


The schools’ complaint procedures are set out in the school prospectus. Your child’s class teacher will work closely with parents at all stages in his/her education and should be the first port of call in case of any difficulty. Parents of pupils with SEND or disabilities whose concerns cannot be resolved by the usual school procedures can request independent disagreement resolution. The school will make further information about this process available on request.


External support services plan an important part in helping the school identify, assess and make provision for pupils with special education needs.

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