Please see below for important dates over the upcoming festive season!
Lantern making workshop Year 3, 4 and 6 Wednesday 23rd November; Year 5 Tuesday 22nd November.
Lighting of the lights Friday 25th November (6pm at the top of Fore Street with lanterns!)
Christmas Jumper day Thursday 1st December - bring in luxury goodies for Christmas hampers. Raffle tickets on sale soon.
Christmas fair, raffle and cake competition Friday 9th December
Christmas Carol Service (2pm and 5pm in St. Peter's church) Tuesday 13th December
School Christmas dinner Wednesday 14th December
Last day of term Friday 16th December
Spring term begins Wednesday 4th January
Year 4 Christmas Performances (1.45pm in the school hall)
4AC Friday 2nd December
4TS Monday 5th December
4KB Tuesday 6th December
All important dates are added to our school calendar here:
All of our term dates can be found here