Dear parents and carers,
I would like to wish you all a very happy New Year and I hope you were able to enjoy the Christmas holidays despite the difficult circumstances. School will open as planned tomorrow (5th January) for all children at the usual times and we look forward to welcoming back your child.
Arrival times:
8.40am - 8.50am - Years 4 & 6
8.50am - 9am - Years 3 and 5
Please avoid arriving before the allocated time and arrive at any time throughout the 10 minute window in order to help reduce overcrowding on the pavements.
We have reviewed our school risk assessment in light of the increase in cases nationally and would like you to note the following changes:
Please could I now ask that all parents wear a face covering on school premises including in the playground at drop off and collection times. Please could I also strongly encourage all parents to wear a face covering when waiting outside of the school due to the challenges in maintaining social distancing on the pavements.
Please could parents of children in Year 3 and 4 now exit the playground via the main driveway as soon as you have dropped off or collected your child rather than waiting with the class as we would like to reduce the number of visitors on site temporarily.
Please could parents of children in Year 5 wait on the pavement across the road from the top gate to allow Year 6 children to leave safely through the top gate exit and could I also ask that you do not congregate in the fenced area outside of the top gate.
Please ensure your child comes to school with a warm coat. Due to the need for additional ventilation it may be colder than normal in some classrooms and children will be allowed to wear their coats during lessons if they are cold.
If any member of your household is showing any symptoms of Covid-19 you must all self-isolate and the symptomatic individual must arrange for a test – please do not send your child into school.
We really appreciate your continued support, understanding and patience with the measures that we are having to put in place.
I am fully aware that some parents are concerned about the return to school for their child so please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing or calling on 01271 863463 to discuss this or any other question. Please keep checking the school website and communication channels for updates.
We very much look forward to seeing you all again!
Kind regards,
Mr Le Bredonchel
Head Teacher