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The Year Ahead

Dear parents and carers,

On behalf of the Governing Body, I do hope that you all enjoyed the holidays with your family and friends and that you were able to enjoy some sunshine.

Another exciting and inspiring academic school year lies ahead. The children have returned to school looking very smart, full of enthusiasm and keen to begin their learning.

A very warm welcome to all the children and their parents starting in our school for the first time. We hope that they will quickly settle into the routines of their class as they begin their exciting educational journey here in Ilfracombe Church of England Junior School.

The Governing Body and staff are once again starting to plan and prepare for the start of this new academic school year. I am extremely grateful to all members of staff who have worked very hard throughout the holidays to improve the facilities and environment of the school. The new fitness gym has started to take shape - part of the first phase of our exciting Growing Together project.

Here at Ilfracombe Church of England Junior School we want our children to be happy and to enjoy their education whilst achieving their full potential. Every child is valued and recognised as an individual. We believe that all of the children have a bright and exciting future ahead of them. All the staff and the Governing Body are successful because we understand that to improve we must constantly change and evolve.

Members of the Governing Body and staff look forward to meeting and working with you all throughout this academic year.

Best wishes

Michael Porter

Chair of Governors


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Contact Us:

Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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