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Unique Week!

Monday 22nd to Friday 26th March is Unique Week: celebrate the uniqueness of you!

Next week, we are celebrating individuality and uniqueness. We believe in celebrating life in all its fullness and that begins with recognising that each and every one of us is a special part of our community.

As part of the celebrations, we will be recognising Down’s Syndrome Day on Monday 22nd March and National Cerebral Palsy Day on Thursday 25th March.

We will also be continuing to champion our Invisible Differences – whether it be a food allergy, autism, mental health or a learning need – to promote dignity and the understanding of others.

To help celebrate our uniqueness next week, children can come to school every day wearing odd socks! For National Cerebral Palsy Day on Thursday 25th March, just add a touch of green to the uniform – it might be a t-shirt, a hairband or even some green socks!



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