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Year 3 Visit Rosemoor

Year 3 had the exciting opportunity to visit RHS Garden Rosemoor. Each of the classes enjoyed a fun-filled day out spending time exploring the gardens and the play area as well as taking part in an educational workshop on paper-making. We discussed lots of different types of paper including papyrus, which was a type of paper made by the Ancient Egyptians. The children then had the chance to work in small groups to make their very own pieces of paper.

Here are some quotes from the children:

‘Making the paper was one of my favourite parts. I liked using the deckle and mould to scoop up the pulp.’ Eliza Roberts 3EC

I enjoyed going down the slide because we had to try and stop really quickly at the bottom!’ Lauren Shapland 3EC

I loved it when we explored the grounds at Rosemoor. I saw lots of lovely statues.’ Molly Hole 3EC

‘My favourite bit was listening to Jon and learning about all the different types of paper including the Ancient Egyptian paper, Papyrus.’- Micah Davey 3EC

My favourite bit was standing on the wood to try and get all of the water out of the paper we had made.’ Ella Hancock 3EC


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Contact Us:

Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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