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3CO Visit Seaview Haven

Updated: Feb 6, 2020

On Thursday 5th December, 3CO took different musical instruments down to Seaview Haven Residential home to celebrate Christmas with them and sing them Christmas Carols. We loved seeing their faces light up! 'I liked singing 'Starry Night' because it was a calming song for the old people.' Kai Kyriacou 3CO 'I liked talking to the old people because it gave them company.' Olivia Barnes 3CO 'I liked making actions for the songs so that the old people could join in with us.' Skyla Smith 3CO 'The people are lonely so I gave them company. I bought the residents at Seaview some chocolates, and I made them a card to wish them Merry Christmas.' Zoe-Jane Horton 3CO 'I liked talking to the old people because they don't normally have people to come and sing for them.' Hannah Smith 3CO 'I loved the delicious cakes that they made for us.' Barney Hendin 3CO 'I liked singing for them.' Elmo Hendin 3CO 'I liked chatting to Julia, we sang her happy birthday because she was 103 years old!' Jamie-Scott Hughes 3CO


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Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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