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New Play Park on Princess Avenue

Some of our Year 3 pupils were very excited to attend the opening of the new Play Park on Princess Avenue. It is a great space and we know it is now very popular with many children and it is lovely to see so many of them using it before and after school.

We would like to take this opportunity to let parents know that, although school is open at 8.30am for the Breakfast Club, our supervision begins at 8.45am in the mornings.

Whilst there are teachers on duty in school before 8.45am, we will not be supervising the play in the park at any point. Therefore, please be aware that your children may be playing in the park unsupervised before 8.45am and again at 3.15pm and you will need to make arrangements if you have any concerns about them being able to do this safely.

We have also now been able to reopen the school gate that is adjacent to the park as we know many parents have found that this a convenient way to access the school site from Princess Avenue.

As always, myself, Ms Foster and Mr Le Bredonchel will be available before and after school at the school gates. We love meeting with parents at these times and are always happy to answer any questions you may have then.



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