An Ambassador Volunteer comes in many shapes or forms.
Fundamentally, the Ambassador Volunteer Programme are looking for parent/ carers at the right place in their life and SEND journey who have capacity to give a little back within their own community, doing what they are probably already doing. They are also looking for people who work closely with parent carers of children with SEND.
The AV project is looking for people who are already actively involved in some way in the community perhaps attending a group, support parents in a school or active online, having positive experiences with schools / services.
The basic aim for a volunteer is to be a link into their community cascading information from DiAS and the Parent Carer Forum Devon, feeding back through me to these organisations to ensure policy makers are listening to parent voices.
New Induction training for people interested in becoming an Ambassador Volunteer is now available. The training will be in three hour virtual sessions and will run 10am until 1pm with a short break. The sessions will be the first step in training to become and Ambassador Volunteer - starting Thursday 19th May 2022 from 10am-1pm on TEAMS
Please complete the form following this link to register your interest!