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Head Teacher Update

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

Dear parents and carers,

I am sure you are receiving a lot of information, especially if you have children across several schools, but I wanted to provide you with an update.

School has settled into a good routine now after a busy few days. We have children in school each day and they are being taught by 2 teachers in each year group. 2 teachers in each year group are then supporting the majority of children who are working remotely from home by checking work, adapting tasks, responding to questions and providing feedback. We are attempting to make regular contact by phone to all the children and our Teaching Assistants are doing an amazing job to support with this. We are also working on plans for video sessions for the children and their teachers and we are now expecting this to take place via Microsoft Teams. These will not be live lessons but a chance for the class to come together regularly to say hello and share questions and we will share more information on this soon.

We hope you are finding the remote learning easy to use – we are continually trying to improve it to make it as accessible as possible. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or find any problems with any of the tasks or resources and we will work to address these immediately. The activities have been designed so that your child can work through them as independently as possible but we realise how much of a challenge it can be for parents to try to support with home learning whilst working at home themselves or looking after the family. Please just try your best and do not hesitate to contact us for any reason either directly through the online form for your class teacher or by emailing We are here to help.

The government expects KS2 children to have 4 hours of work set each day and If you find your child is regularly completing activities in less time than this then do let us know and more work can be provided. We love seeing the photos of your child’s work and these can be emailed to You can also share them on Twitter by following us on @ilfracombejun

We surveyed parents earlier this week and have lent our school stock of laptops to as many families as possible that have requested one. We know many more families are having to share devices and would benefit from one so please do complete the request form that has been text to all parents today. We have yet to receive our allocation from the government but are exploring other options and may be able to provide some more support. We have received very generous donations from members of the community who have given us tablets to support families with and I would like to thank them for such kind gestures. If you require any exercise books, paper or stationery please contact Lesley French on 01271 863463 and we can arrange for collection of these if that would help.

The teachers very much look forward to meeting all those parents who have booked an online parent's evening session over the next 2 weeks. On behalf of the entire staff and the Governing Body, I would like to thank you for all your patience, understanding and support. We have received many lovely messages and each one is truly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Mr Le Bredonchel

Head Teacher


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Contact Us:

Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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