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National Smile Month

Your students this week were superb and it’s been a privilege to talk to them about all-things teeth. I loved all the questions they had and also hearing about their own oral health journeys. Parents can be proud that so many of the kids knew how many times a day to brush and how often. A few even knew the answers to trickier questions. I hope there are a few budding dentists and dental nurses among your students, we all know the country needs them right now! We discussed good habits and looked at what we can do to take good care of all of our teeth. The baby ones and the adult ones. The children were really excited to practice their brushing techniques on our large mouth model which is fantastic and I really hope they take that enthusiasm home as it will stand them in good stead. Each child has taken home a fluoride toothpaste sample and one of our book marks with some toothy tips to help reinforce the prevention message at home. The Year 3's also took a tooth brushing chart home which they can tick off every time they brush their teeth, helping to create a great habit that will last a life time.

We have also launched a competition for the children to design posters with ‘tips for a healthy smile’ We would love to display these in our practice. I will collect all the entries on Friday 27th May and we have some awesome arty prizes for winners. We will have an open event soon where you will be welcome to come and chat about oral hygiene and look at all the wonderful posters.

Thank you again Ilfracombe Junior School for kicking our National Smile Month off to a great start!

Lorraine Bradley, Torrs Park Dental Surgery


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Contact Us:

Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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