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New Attendance Guidance

Following recent advice from the Devon LA School Attendance Improvement Team, and to ensure we fulfil our safeguarding obligations, we have made some adjustments to our attendance procedures for the first initial days of any absence from school. Our school Attendance Policy has been updated to include the following guidance:

Attendance Level

How we can help support your child’s attendance

How you can help to support your child’s attendance

Initial absence from school

A daily text will be sent from the school office.

If no response from parents, phone calls will be made throughout the morning until contact made with family.

If no response by the afternoon, school will contact the pupil’s nominated emergency contact.

Contact us before 9am to inform us about the absence and the reason.

Next day absence

A daily text will be sent from the school office.

If no response from parents, a phone call on the same morning will be made.

If no response, a member of the school will call at the family premises. If no response, reasonable enquiries will be made with neighbours.

If no response, the local PCSO or Police will be contacted to request a Family Welfare Check.

Contact us before 9am to inform us about the absence and the reason.

Parents must contact the school office for every day of a child's absence from school, and inform us of the reason.

For our full Attendance Escalation Procedure and School Attendance Policy, please see our school website page: Attendance


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Contact Us:

Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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