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Visit From PAT Dog

Updated: Nov 29, 2019

On Monday 18th November we were delighted to welcome Anne Beer and her very special dog, Ellie, to our school. Ellie is a highly trained PAT dog, meaning Pets As Therapy, and she brings a lot of support and happiness to a wide range of people, including her owner, Anne.

Anne takes Ellie to visit children and adults who are poorly in hospital, as well as visiting the elderly residents in our local residential care homes. She has also rescued people and saved some lives.

Ellie is 8 years old and Anne rescued Ellie as a retired racing greyhound.

We loved listening to Anne's stories about the adventures they have had together and Ellie was amazing in our two assemblies, being so calm and gentle in front of over 200 children in each session.

Anne used to be a veterinary nurse and we are hoping this visit has helped to inspire some of our children who may wish to work with animals in the future.

'I liked that Anne came to school to share her stories with her. Anne and Ellie do amazing things for our community! Thank you Anne and Ellie.' Ethan Clarke 5RM



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