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Year 3 Performance to Parents

Last week, Year 3 took part in their first performance to their families. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to demonstrate their incredible knowledge of the Stone Age, show off their Taiko drumming and share the things they are proud of achieving at Ilfracombe Juniors so far. We were all so impressed with how confidently the children presented themselves on stage. What stars! We hope everyone who was able to attend enjoyed it.

'The best part was the drum roll at the end of our Year 3 performance.' Myley Redmore 3EC

'I was in the second Taiko performance and enjoyed the part where we switched to playing our neighbours drum.' Dylan Kelly 3EC

'We are really proud of our first performance.' 3EC

'I felt joyful and proud because I spoke clearly in front of all of the parents.' Malakye Boden 3CO

'I liked seeing the smiles on people's faces.' Olivia Barnes 3CO

'I was proud because I knew lots about the Stone Age.' Jamie-Scott Hughes 3CO



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