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Year 6 - 1st June

A huge thank you to all the parents that have already taken the time to complete the survey linked to the return of year 6 on the 1st June. This information will help us to plan our provision and the feedback and comments have been extremely useful. I will try to answer as many of the questions as I can when we publish further information later this week.

I can confirm at this point that Year 6 SATs will not be taking place across the country. Instead, we will provide your child's next school with a teacher assessment for English and Maths. The government have also announced that transition visits to your child's next school should not be taking place and therefore alternative opportunities to support with transition should be planned. We are liaising with Ilfracombe Academy about how to support with this.

The survey is open until 9am tomorrow and a link has been sent via our usual communication channels to all year 6 parents. If you did not receive a link please email

Please remember, this survey isn't a commitment to sending your child in, it is just to help us with our initial planning based on the government guidance that was issued on Friday.

Kind regards

Mr Le Bredonchel


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