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Year 6 Summer Concert and Disco

We would like to invite you to the Year 6 Summer Concert on Monday 15th July. It is a lovely event that celebrates the children’s time at Ilfracombe C of E Junior School.

The celebration will begin at 6.00pm and will be held in St Peter’s Church.

We ask that children arrive dressed smart and presentable. However, please don’t feel like any new clothes need to be bought for the occasion. We look forward to seeing you at the celebration.

We will be holding a disco for the children in Year 6 on Thursday 18th July in our School Hall. The disco will start at 6.30pm and will finish at 8pm.

The cost of a ticket will be £2 and must be purchased from the school office. Tickets will be on sale from Tuesday 2nd July to Tuesday 16th July at morning break. Refreshments will be provided.



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