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School Council Update

Our School Councillors have been out and about surveying their peers. The children wanted to know what their fellow pupils were proud of about their school and what they feel can be improved. The School Councillors felt very proud and happy with the responses that were given. Here is a selection of some of the feedback:

‘We are most proud that everyone in our school wants to help.’

‘We think our community sees our school as a friendly place to be.’

‘I love our school. There is so much to do at lunchtimes and there is good learning.’

‘We want to show our community how well we learn together.’

‘I know it is important that we wear a school uniform as some clothes might not be appropriate for school life.’

‘If members of the community visited our school, they’d see that our focus is amazing.’

Some children expressed that the toilets and the octagon seating area need improving. We are pleased to announce that the toilets will be refurbished in the new year, and the Octagon seating area is being decorated by our School Council members to smarten up the much-loved seating area.



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