Ocean Collage
Keira (4CH) has created this stunning collage! Scroll through the images below. The colours and textures are beautiful. Well done Keira!
Ocean Collage
Painting in the style of Jackson Pollock
Art During Lockdown
Fantastic Art in our School!
Art Competition Winners
Art Project on Croyde Beach
1 more sleep!
Soft Sand, Shimmering Shoals and a Sunny Seaside
Year 5 Study 3D Sculptures
Pop Art in Year 4
Year 6 Explore Art
‘Ilfracombe Through My Eyes’
Looking at Pop Art in Year 4
Looking at Printing Techniques
Winter Wonderland Winners!
Festive Workshops in Year 3
Stone Age Art
Focusing on Painting
Contact Us:
Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463
email: admin@ilfracombe-jun.devon.sch.uk
Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel
SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner
Ilfracombe Junior School
Princess Avenue
Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW